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Перевод Примеры
Несчастья никогда не приходят поодиночке.

"You've been laid up?" Bertha asked. "Under observation," Josepblne Dell said, and laughed. "Misfortunes never come singly." Bertha Cool adjusted herself comfortably in the chair. "There's been something else besides your automobile accident ?" she asked. "Of course. Didn't you know?" "No." "l'm out of а job." (Gardner)

She no sooner saw it than, uttering а hasty exclamation, and giving Master Dombey to the black-eyed, she started to the rescue of her unhappy little son. Surprises, like misfortuoes, rarely соте alone. Тhе astonished Susan Nipper and her two charges were rescued Ьу the bystanders from under the very wheels of а passing carriage before they knew what had happened. (Dickens)

Royall Edwards remarked, "It has bееn my observation on that they seldom occur singly. Judging bу our financial results lately- which you gentlemen are aware of-this could merely Ье one more." (Hailey)

"There is no term more doubtful than that word misfortune," said the surgeon, regardless of the nice maneuvers of the host. "Some deem one thing а misfortune, others its opposite ; misfortune begets misfortune. Life is а misfortune, for it may Ье the means of enduring misfortune ; and death is а misfortune, as it abridges the enjoyments of life." (Cooper)